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Bone Grafting

A woman being shown x rays before bone grafting procedure Bone grafting is a procedure in which bone from a different source is added to the jaw to promote healthy bone growth. It is a periodontal procedure and can be performed relatively quickly and without pain since it is done with the help of local anesthesia.

When Does Bone Grafting Become Necessary?

Bone grafting becomes necessary when an individual has lost too much bone tissue, mainly from the alveolar ridges. The remaining bone tissue is then not able to support the gums. Bone loss often occurs after tooth loss. When patients lose too many teeth through extraction, their bones begin to lose structure. This often causes the remaining teeth to also lose support.

After a certain point in bone loss, no dental procedures can be performed on the ridges. It becomes difficult to support complete dentures, dental implants, or bridges. The patient needs to get a bone graft to promote healthy bone growth and make the dental ridge support a new dental treatment.

Bone grafting becomes important to people who have lost their natural teeth. It can also be performed on patients who have taken chemotherapy or have lost their teeth and bone as a result of injuries too.

When you visit our practice, our doctors will check your oral cavity for bone loss and let you know if a bone graft is necessary for you or not.

What is the Procedure for Bone Grafting?

A bone graft, either a synthetic bone material or a natural bone material, is added to the jaw area that needs bone regeneration. A periodontist performs this procedure, and it is quick and easy. Slowly, the bone graft is absorbed by the jaw and replaced by new, natural bone. The purpose of the graft is to initiate new bone growth and promote it.

Types of Bone Grafts

Different types of bone grafts are available, and it depends on the dentist and the patient which one they prefer to go with. These include:

•  Allograft – Which is a synthetic bone often made by materials in a bone bank.
•  Xenograft – It is a graft taken from the bone of an animal.
•  Autograft – It is a graft taken from one part of the patient’s body and grafted onto another part of the patient’s body. In this case, it is the jaw.

How Long Does a Bone Graft Last?

A bone completely healed from the bone graft can take between three and nine months. This depends on the healing capability of the individual and the size of the bone graft that was added to the bone. The graft does not need to be removed naturally afterward.

Contact Us for a Bone Graft

Bone grafting has become necessary to restore functionality to many people’s mouths. It is a quick and easy procedure and results in a completely healed bone. To book an appointment at Cambridgeside Dental Associates, call 857-588-1210 today.

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Bone Grafting | Cambridgeside Dental Associates | Cambridge, MA
Bone grafting is done professionally at Cambridgeside Dental Associates is a quick and easy procedure and results in a completely healed bone.
Cambridgeside Dental, 77 Hurley Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 / 857-588-1210 / / 10/1/2024 / Page Terms:dentist Cambridge MA /